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Virus Protection

VIRUS Protection

Computer Viruses

We have set up this page since we are very aware of the proliferation of computer viruses amongst both home and business users. At Holiday Webs all our computers are protected against viruses but we are regularly sent them by other users.

Do be aware that if you do receive a virus, the email address in the 'From' field is often not the infected person who sent it. Viruses have a habit of using your address book to complete both the To and the From fields and causing even more havoc. They then send infected emails to everyone on your address book as well as damaging your computer files.

Make sure you are protected with ANTI-VIRUS SOFTWARE and update it WEEKLY!

Virus hoaxes and Chain Emails

We have also been forwarded several 'hoax' viruses and chain letters. These emails often appear to come from someone you know who states that they have a deadly virus and that you need to remove a file from your system. Unfortunately this file is often en essential part of your computer's operating system!

You are also requested to forward the email on to every you know. These chain emails are responsible for overloading and crashing email systems. So check the list of Hoaxes here before you pass on any warnings or other emails.